
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

春 haru


still very cold-3ºC this morning- but there are evident signs that a change is coming.
my momiji is waking up slowly.
beaming today, gods from hades providing.
as ms.cally booker says: fine threads are sent to make us stronger, yes?
also working on this: combined weaving and surface design.
the dark
interesting how yardage cannot express certain things.

neki desu
  Creative Commons License

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

do real weavers warp back to front?

warping- front of loom

took the plunge and am warping back to front.feel on tenter hooks because this yarn is  extremely fine.
i have only one cross on the back with the lease  sticks.realized i should have made 2 crosess .

warping back of loom

also discovered  via where to place the raddle high up .so those black knobs at the back were for the raddle!DUH!
i also found  many  tips for the magic dobby to make weaving and threading easier. 
she has also customised her loom to take an ondule reed and documented the customisation.

moving on, the strathmore online workshops are about to start, free inscription.
i took a mixed mediaworkshop with tracey bautista and enjoyed it very much.almost anything that can be done on paper can be done on fabric. right velma?

back to fiddling with yarns

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Monday, February 25, 2013

did you miss me?


determined not to re-surface until i finished the yardage.finished it is and washed and ironed.i could have woven 50 cms more, but it was getting difficult with all the tension problems created by the infamous slubs.and life's too short. but then again, no pain no gain so after all i'm pleased with the outcome.pretty crepe!
this week will be cutting and sewing week, the pattern's almost finished.
but an empty loom highlights the  resident chaos in the studio,therefore the new warp is going up.


the sakura dyed organzine! my hopes are high, no slubs to fight with. organzine is smooth and tightly spun.bliss factor?
speaking of bliss factor this nytimes article will either scare the dickens out of you or will make you change your eating habits. one thing i can grant; you won't remain aloof.

 it's been snowing during the weekend in the hills surrounding the city. and it's cold! around 2-3º C. i know, i know,this is nothing for you people who live up north. but remember, this is the med.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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