
Friday, November 30, 2012

linguistics 101

have a good weekend !
ps. 1/3 of the warp already threaded:)

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

walking around

forest primeval

not only in the forest primeval but also in cyberia.
interesting finds:

  •  for those worried and sick of fb. the meat is right after origins.
  • another stitching wiz  who makes stitching illustrations.
  • speaking of illustrations a portal where one can sell those and graphic design goods.
  • and another wiz this one a  washi maker.
  • a peculiar weaving machine, for those who thought jacqs were it :)

and the photo's mine, just mine and i hold the rights, lefts and centers if you get my drift ^_^

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



the raddle i have is too shallow for  my silk yarns and consequently these get caught and twisted-if lucky- and do not advance during beaming. they can also, in the worst scenario, break. its also an issue with the way the teeth were designed , they are not straight at the top. no problems with thicker yarns or wool. actually it worked very well while warping my other loom with wool yarns.
 therefore back to front to back warping.( awkward sentence or what??) taking it super slow because i don't want to hurt my cervicals again. if it takes me two weeks, so be it.
the warp is aizome and kakishibuzome  doupioni silk in various  color values.

 lately notice the photos with lens flare? playing with a ps action !

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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