
Thursday, September 06, 2012

el mundo por montera

the photo is of a montera or a bullfighter's headdress. it was introduced in the 1800 as part of the costume. as with most vocabulary pertaining to bullfights it has trickled down into everyday language
becoming an active part of it. so ingrained it is that the most anti bullfight people from the anti bullfighs league use such vocabulary and phrases without seeing the irony of it.
if you are still reading  i'm getting there, but not yet.

two weekends ago my pal rubi was visiting and while sipping a great white at the seaside and talking  she used the expression. we had to explain it to her english speaking friend who was with us thus prompting a discussion about  bullfighting vocabulary in general and the  phrase in particular. we came to the conclusion  that the phrase ponerse el mundo por montera was a rough equivalent to the world is  your oyster.
after all  the recently discarded weaving plans this is  exactly how i feel after  tuning  plan c and the  grungy solutions i found.
apparently my weaving gurus are flex and nothing for them is written in stone; weaving talibans do not reside in their homes :)

weaving has taught me  many things about life(finally, the point!!!)
  • to correct mistakes as soon as one sees them or they'll keep glaring back at you.
  • to develop systems for solving each problem.
  • patience.
  • to stop as soon as one feels tired or bored. tiredness and boredom will only multiply mistakes.
  • to solve problems at once. problems do not go away by themselves, they only grow worse.
  • to set achievable goals and once achieved move on.
  • to divide long or difficult tasks in manageable blocks.they will stop looking infinite.
  • to recognize one's limitations. it is humbling and will keep one's feet on the ground.
  • not to think one's a master. that thought kills growth.
  • perfection is a self inflicting punishment and an illusory thought. 
  • to believe it is a journey, not a destination. and if one can, have fun during the journey.
ps. monteras are handmade. there is a lot of handmade craft around  bullfighter's garb.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

another adventure of the kamikaze weaver

treating the surface
weaving along planC. the border was-note the tense- silk and was more of a p.i.t.a. that what i wanted to deal with, especially with my time constrictions. so i was time to call the kamikaze weaver!!
the border threads were not on the warp beam, but on live tensioning so the whole move was not very complicated.

 i treadled a plain weave shed, inserted the sticks to keep the order, pulled the border threads forward and began tying on a new border of 30/2 ecru cotton. after that i wove a couple of plain weave shots,
 pinned the new border to the body of the weaving to close the gap and went on weaving. not too elegant, but efficient as an executive secretary.

a decision aka life's too short

the order

pinned down

the grungy border of the photos are full of double intentions!
on another note a fellow weaver, maryse levenson lost all her belongings in the recent colorado fires.needless to say her weaving library, tools and supplies were all destroyed.please consider donating  books, yarns or any weaving related item to help her build up her stash. she is interested in  kumihimo and  complex weaves at 24 epi or finer( silk, tencel, bamboo, merino etc). you can contact her at maryse-dl  at   comcast   dot   net

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, August 31, 2012

about linen

be linen my friend.
have a feeling i already posted this vid. if so bear with me and my blonde moment.
have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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