
Monday, March 12, 2012

a well developed super ego


yup, i guess that's what i got after 12 years at a girl's school. spent all weekend re threading the offending mistakes and on sunday afternoon i started auditioning the thicker wefts from  a bag of thick wool silk  knitting yarns i bought years ago in lausanne during one of the biennale visiting trips.
instead of weaving the regular heading to close the gaps between bouts i used the first part of a a newly discovered tip learned here from laura fry's blog.
on with weaving.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, March 09, 2012

the flip queen and her song

we all wanted that hairdo back in 1965. for those who were born too late she did the original cut. here's the link to youtube which proves it . sorry no embedding allowed.
have  fun at the party and the weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, March 08, 2012

life maxims

threading mistakes

the toast always falls on the buttered side. threading mistakes always happen in the middle.
engrossed in the big debate whether to ignore them and keep going or pay attention to my super ego's voice and re thread.    

                                                                              nerve soothing activity. don't know why stitching is not used as therapy for mental illnesses.
a silk shibori scarf that went wrong, over dyed  bundled up using assorted leaves.                   
also waiting for thyroid test results, may have to go on meds. but at least i'll shed some of those gained kilos.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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