
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

exploring boundaries out of the comfort zone


about a week ago conversing with Jean she asked how i warped. upon learning that i warped front to back she said that she had learned back to front and added that it was soo easy. she immediately offered to send me instructions which i gladly accepted.

i learned to warp with a book, the 70's all time hit in the weaving world, cay garrett's warping all by yourself.   i was glad on all counts i did. because of the nature of weavers here if i had waited for someone to help me i'd still be threading that first warp. then at school what was taught was the swedish method in which you had to roughly thread the reed, beam, do some sort of maneuver to transfer the cross and some other steps. i thought that highly inneficient and cumbersome. why do something that you'll have to undo later on and re do correctly? so i kept warping front to back until yesterday.

jean's instructions were to the point, no verbiage nor excessively adjectival, and followed through easily.
i took my time straightening wool kinks, but  in spite of that it went smoothly. i noticed her method is a mirror image of the garret's method and that gave me some sort of silly confidence. i did not feel like a maiden warper, rather a second marriage warper!


i rigged a raddle to the castle of the loom having seen that at cally booker's and it works very well. i could ask for the raddle teeth to be higher, but you get the drift.


the weather is conductive to blanket weaving and  i have a lap blanket project. the draft is in the last stages but must likely will end like this, a hybrid of m's and o's. pleased that i'm clearing  so much of my stash !
threading will have to wait 2 weeks  until i'm back from my hiatus. in the meantime i can ding with the tie up.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, February 13, 2012

keeping the warmth


staying cosy inside the house stitching .
the weekend was cold, cold, cold and  i, like the beasts, only ventured outside for food.
this is a detail of the work.i think i got carried away and o.ded. don't you think there's too much happening?
there's the wire knit, and a linen knit sample, kantha stitching, some machine stitching and buttonhole lace-kind of.
the lutradur substrate is painted and stamped.
kantha brass

general view here. you can see i'm pretty much addicted to ps. actions so i really don't need an i phone .
on to warping now.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, February 10, 2012

the beauty of textiles

this is what i call a fashion statement ;-) enjoy.
have a good weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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