
Tuesday, January 10, 2012



i sat down and this piece practically poured itself out. such joy when that happens! it is still from the intrepid stitcher series adding stitching and wire knit to a a painted background. this one also includes some machine stitching and bits of black and white tulle. amazing how a bit of tulle makes such a big difference!
there's something retro in  overall look  that i find attractive.

wire-detail    top detail

right detail     left detail

 some details. the photoshoot was a royal PITA. all those metallic colors that blended so well on the substrate photographed as slush, no matter what kind of lighting i used. guess you can't win them all.
as ever there are more details  here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Friday, January 06, 2012

twelfth night

candy charcoal at a pastry shop

hispanic children's big night, twelfth night the last day of the twelve days of christmas when they  receive  the maggi's  visit. but not only kids, the whole country's geared to that special moment.
the naughties get candy charcoal.

king's crown pastries

the goodies get presents and everybody feasts on king's crown pastries which incidentally have a small token or a coin within the dough.
life's a feast.
have a great weekend!

ETA: great read in el pais digital

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, January 05, 2012

on loom breaks

front cover   back cover

i work on the nettle diaries. remember this gifted yarn? well, i finished weaving the pages before the holidays and  this is the first  book.

 pages1-2   pages 3-4

the material is very pliable albeit the stiffness of the yarn and takes colors and all kinds of abuses very well.the stitching is somewhat difficult due to the toughness of the yarn and the openness of the weave.
i want to let the weave with all the small  color nuances speak for itself hence all those empty spaces.
when finished they will  tell a tale of a trip into friendship.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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