
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

aaand lift off!

lift off2

already weaving.

blue sample3

the 2/18 jaggerspun merino supplemental thread cuts it.and if i go on and felt it a bit more it will look even better. i do not mind if the floats show and they are not too long to catch.i'm using them as design elements, seriously

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

thanks for the beauty

 1928-dec 2011

 a sampling of her paintings here

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, January 02, 2012

should the only wrinkles be on my face?

 irises for the new year

first, some flowers for the new year. sorry to sound like the herald of doom, but we need  to hang in there. the chinese horoscope says it's the year of the dragon and it's a difficult sign. i'm pretty sure we'll work difficulties out if we as a community support each other.


now for the weaving part. the sample slightly qualifies as loom shibori because the ripple is very slight. not too sure whether is the spacing, the warp being wool too or the universe conspiring ^_^  tried 4 wefts to one supplemental and 2 to 1 and the latter works slightly better. i can sample with a heftier merino and see what happens, but i'm afraid to use too much warp and then end up with not enough for the top. although i might live dangerously and  do more sampling.

looking forward to an on line stitching workshop with arlee.
 i quote:

"You’ll have to forget some of the rules about embroidery we’ve all strained to achieve when first learning: even stitches, perfectly aligned fabrics and untwisted threads, none of them are welcome in this spontaneous, intuitive and eccentric style! "

sounds like my kind of stitching!

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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