
Monday, December 12, 2011

non finito

 non finito

lots of stitching happening in this household. the laptop went to the doctor and it looks like it's terminal.
we'll see if it's more cost effective to get a new one and buy an adapter to change usb to com port. have heard lots of predicaments so i am  already turning blue from holding my breath.

non finito 4 non finito 3

 non finito 2   non finito 1

this piece is strange, i don't do pretty, but it came out pretty.wonder why. this is reclaimed cotton from a much loved dress with a bit of reclaimed silk shibori. note the repetition of the word reclaimed even  some of the threads are thrums form this warp. still not sure whether to turn it into a book, hence the title.

in the news depatment this link came to me via fabienne felter extraordinaire. too bad she doesn't have a blog.yet.
if you ever wanted to dress like a frans hals paining :) here you have instructions. there are also great tutorials on smocking and period embroidery.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, December 09, 2011

isn't he the very best?

wait until the end. you'll be rewarded.
have a great weekend!
ps. poem by e.e. cumings

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 08, 2011

set and match point!


tablecloth and napkins on the drying line.only two tiny specks ,which i surely can live with, in sight.
i was informed that even uv radiation could bleach.let's see if the radiation in my terrace  is enough .
this city  is so sickeningly self appointed hip and cool that anything that smells old fashioned is totally banished.hence my issues trying to find savon de marseille in bars. gel is  cool  and modern contemporary, but soap bars that have this hand-wash - like- in- the- old- days connotation? no way! will have to take the train to a small town in the vicinity and try my luck.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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