
Friday, October 21, 2011

decorashon kekei

today for the first time in 50 years we woke up with no fear.
sorry for the lack of title, video doesn't let me do it.
the japanese says something like jita chan's art and song   -decoration keki.
 good weekend to all. peace.
neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, October 20, 2011

thinking about doing

rescue me

people who make things don't understand what they're doing.
this was hannah arendt, not me. but is it always like that or just sometimes? (this is me not she.)
for her, the mind engages once labor is done.
for richard sennet there's another view in which thinking and feeling are contained within the process of making and that the process of making reveals to us things about ourselves.

i'm reading richard sennet's the craftsman, still on the prologue where he talks about his teacher, hannah arendt, and her unrest about the los alamos/manhattan project. it's that kind of read where you need a set of colored pencils to underline what strikes you in color coded fashion. it is one of the most exciting reads i've read in a long time, and i'm just on page 8 underlining like a fiend and stopping to think about what i read.

 i started the scarf in the image some years ago, during the failed ai vat era. folded and dyed it three times with blahh results. on monday i looked for it and decided to give it a dunk in the vat i was running as a prize for having finished the weaving. then re folded and re dunked it twice on tuesday. what i saw when i unfolded it this morning  pleased me.

so according to sennet what  can the shibori scarf above teach me about myself? and the image of it which  i created?
i'll be discussing sennet here for a long time i'm warning you.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

blue mis*chie*f

blue mischief3

the resources one has to use when writing some words just to stop the sleaze from visiting!and to content google too. do you know that there are some words google does not like? some of them pretty innocuous. 
anyhow,this is about dyeing white handmade lace  and a windfall  linen hand towel and not google.

i was  thrilled to have finished weaving so i treated myself to a quick vat. hear hear in amazement after living so long in the realm of lack of successful vats!
there's something naughty about dyeing handmade lace. one of the small doilies was pristine white, but the other had yellowed a bit.the yellowed one came out somewhat darker. i'm going to keep dipping today aiming for a very dark blue.
while i waskeeping an eye on the vat and its contents  i remembered the windfall hand towel i had kept for years waiting for the owner to claim it.
it  was given a go too. maybe i'll re dip it as well.
and yesterday i read this. a methodology worth trying! any thoughts on that?

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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