
Monday, October 03, 2011

summer slowly melting into fall

callianthus 011--2

a sign that summer's fading into fall.
gladiolus callianthus from my terrace. just one this year, but the scent is a gift.

will be away all of this week.
looking forward to meeting my internet pal rubi in person.
there's also another meet brewing with another internet pal. this one for november.
right? (^_^)
ya'll be well.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Friday, September 30, 2011

the greatest thing since bread came sliced

farewell. thanks for the good songs. and the good times

good weekend to ya'll!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, September 29, 2011

rock steady

knit samplesnew warpsnew warp2

scarf&yarn recoupshibori2

did i mention i was on a roll?  these were dyed last week in my best  vat and dye session so far.
photo 4 is my pride and joy. a silk linen dévore scarf i wove and dyed in early 90's when experimenting w dévore. the color was a procion mx  soft blue but the linen showed too much of a difference in value. so it was stored away. the other scarf dates from way back as well. i had jumped from a 4 shaft table loom to a much more serious 12 shaft 80cm table loom and was studying  Kathryn Wertenberger's book 8,12,20 an introduction to multishaft weaving.  i was also dreaming of dobbies and computers. the front page  has  1991 handwritten on it  so do the numbers :)

the yarns are also recouped. i dyed them in my first flop of a zinc-lime vat. yes, i was  starting doing aizome and the only recipe i had was the shibori book by wada. in terms of aizome  i just started the house by the roof :-&

the knits are samples some freshly dyed, some recouped from other unsuccessful vats. but the warp yarns!
the warp yarns in  the second and third photos are a success story big time  :) dunk, wait, pull out, oxidise and  it rocks! 10 summers and i got it at last.

as i'm writing this post i'm realizing how much i've learned. and how much there is still to learn.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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