
Thursday, September 29, 2011

rock steady

knit samplesnew warpsnew warp2

scarf&yarn recoupshibori2

did i mention i was on a roll?  these were dyed last week in my best  vat and dye session so far.
photo 4 is my pride and joy. a silk linen dévore scarf i wove and dyed in early 90's when experimenting w dévore. the color was a procion mx  soft blue but the linen showed too much of a difference in value. so it was stored away. the other scarf dates from way back as well. i had jumped from a 4 shaft table loom to a much more serious 12 shaft 80cm table loom and was studying  Kathryn Wertenberger's book 8,12,20 an introduction to multishaft weaving.  i was also dreaming of dobbies and computers. the front page  has  1991 handwritten on it  so do the numbers :)

the yarns are also recouped. i dyed them in my first flop of a zinc-lime vat. yes, i was  starting doing aizome and the only recipe i had was the shibori book by wada. in terms of aizome  i just started the house by the roof :-&

the knits are samples some freshly dyed, some recouped from other unsuccessful vats. but the warp yarns!
the warp yarns in  the second and third photos are a success story big time  :) dunk, wait, pull out, oxidise and  it rocks! 10 summers and i got it at last.

as i'm writing this post i'm realizing how much i've learned. and how much there is still to learn.

neki desu
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  1. Neki, those colours are to dye for you have become quite a professional at dyeing. Congratulations on your success and many years of effort.

  2. trish at tangled threads4:31 PM

    Hi Neki. Just to show you that nothing is wasted. Some things just take a long time to mature!

  3. Great color! And isn't it nice to feel like it's all coming together after a long struggle?

  4. Che magnifiche tonalità di blu, spero di imparare anche io un po' di indigo dyeing quando vado in Giappone.
    Fai tante cose, ma di quante ore è fatta la tua giornata?!?

  5. Persistence - patience - determination - it pays off doesn't it? It does take time, and there's also that aspect of slow cloth I keep coming back to. Ganbatte, Neki!


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