
Thursday, September 22, 2011

work table serendipity

after yesterday's work this was the look of my work table. the photo has some photofun, the surface of the table is as it happened.
think i might print this on cloth and do some stitching.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

places of beauty

images from the sajou catalog

yesterday i was taking my loom break in front of the computer (??) and i came across Maison Sajou
i won't say more except click on the link. among the things to covet i fell in love with the thread organizer cards pictured above.
not to mention the pin cards
image from the sajou catalog

and for you lucky jacq. owners click on their menu on the left on the special sales and scroll down to woven silk images of st. etienne. you won't be disappointed.

image from the sajou catalog

here's a teaser.

turning a page, but still on the subject of beauty and haberdashery i also discovered the fiskar village in finland. yes, fiskar as in wonderful scissors. read the history and don't miss the virtual stroll. the place is devastatingly beautiful.


neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it's all about control


i find it easier to control a small vat, make it work and keep it going. and of course using pre reduced indigo babykins. this one might go well into winter.
have been dyeing silk threads for stitching which may or may not be sold.

note to self: remember not to ever translate anything, not even as a favor.
people do not understand that it goes beyond going from one language to another. you're also dealing with different  cultures and cultural protocols. speaking in silver looks like english, sounds like english but means nothing in english. right rubi?

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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