
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it's all about control


i find it easier to control a small vat, make it work and keep it going. and of course using pre reduced indigo babykins. this one might go well into winter.
have been dyeing silk threads for stitching which may or may not be sold.

note to self: remember not to ever translate anything, not even as a favor.
people do not understand that it goes beyond going from one language to another. you're also dealing with different  cultures and cultural protocols. speaking in silver looks like english, sounds like english but means nothing in english. right rubi?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, September 19, 2011

aaaand she's weaving!

on the loom

and that means that it has finally cooled off a bit. this warp will almost be occupational therapy, being so thick 8 ends x cm !it's on the 12 shaft  table loom which is truly a cinch to warp. don't know why.
the different silks were dyed all though last fall and this year. pinks are cochineal, yellow greens are carrot tops and the beige i think it was either boiled chestnut water or diluted walnut. so good for not keeping notes.
the weft will be either a pretty navy 16 /1 linen or  ai dyed silk. still testing.

on the domestic bs department the plumber came this morning after waiting for him for a whole week.
you should guide the young ones in your family to go to voc. school and study plumbing sciences.will make more money than lawyers and doctors combined.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, September 16, 2011

as good as the real thing

have a good weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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