
Thursday, September 15, 2011

can someone please tell me

red silk-b-w2

why silk tangle so much no matter how many ties it has? SIGH! and i'm very careful. apparently have to be more. the good news is that it's very thick by my standards 8 ends x cm so untangling is relatively easy.
this was dyed with cochineal the value is a somewhat cooler red, but i was having photo fun.
winding on tomorrow. and waiting for the plummer to show up and fix a leaky pipe.

ETA: and yes, just made a purchase at!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

mishaps serial


i should call this stole trompe l'oeil or fooling the eye. the silk knit came out well and i put it in my sucessful ai vat. the color came out well, but it was crocking. badly dyed, hurriedly dyed, not properly fixed  etc etc. the rinsing washed away all the unfixed dye leaving an uneven washed out jean  color .
the kumo shibori was also not a very good idea as the untieing became difficult and produced some holes.
note to self: remember te  kumo is the pits on knits.

no way the frugal textilian was going to trash the stole therefore out came the thinking hat. perhaps i could  print something to blend and hide the uneven color plus give it some zing.

i  decided to go on the direction of the ai painting tutorial  i posted a while ago using a stencil my sister cut for me. 
i think it worked and i saved the number. however as sensei says good, but not perfect which in this case is fooling the eye, and not perfect
of course honoring the craft i won't dare to sell it and will wear it myself.
i could never work on wall street i'm not a good p.r. person i know.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

virtual textiling


managed to finish making a new warp chain yesterday before totally dehydrating in that hot hot studio.
getting ready for the change of season.
for now all textile production is virtual. do you like my new knit? generated in apophysis x7

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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