
Thursday, July 28, 2011

a little bit of sunshine


and i ran to do some kakishibu . silk yarn for a future project. this may or may not end in a  recently commissioned scarf. the yarn has been exposed to uv rays as prescribed. more dipping and exposure today since sun was forecasted.
also waiting for my Vivien Prideaux indigo book to start my vat. thanks to Paula Burch  of the dye forum for the contact!! the inetrnet community never ceases to amaze me.

for some more amazement re kakishibu go here. howzat for eco whatever!!!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a soft lobelia rain

summer lobs2

the thrifty missy here who cannot bear to throw away the leftover indigo  pigment sediment keeps painting it on whatever she finds.( what a mouthful of a sentence!)
i pounded some lobelias and bougainvillea petals, but these did not print red. or maybe they did but the red got lost on the indigo.
indigo is such a curious thing.i keep hearing the japanese who say it is a living wonder its apprenticeship takes at least 9 years. and that is to be merely functional!
cotton batiste is a nice fabric to work with i am discovering.

 the threading keeps going on. my intention is to finish today before the hot weather hits.we'll see how it goes.
and this is very inspiring.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, July 25, 2011

what every fool except me knows

 common knowledge

you can't work when you don't feel well.there's even an invention called sick leave (>-<)
all the slow and painful threading i did  at the end of winter beginning of spring is worthless. 
i'm re threading again. the good news is that it is cool - 21ÂșC -and i can work in the studio.
note to self: next time you are not in top shape read a book or take a walk.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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