
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

after the show some color

make an avatar

(^_^) off to do some errands.

back from gone wonky. 2nd try... let's see if it works

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, May 23, 2011

the hand that cuts the warp

off the loom

in action. two dowels inserted to save an error free threading for a future project that is already cooking slowly in the backburner. this warp has already been washed and will soon hit the mordanting on to the dobby and the silk warp.

received a message from aracne this morning. there's a fellow weaver who raises cashmere goats and sells this awesome yarn. she is going through a difficult time and needs to sell some yarn. here's the link. please consider helping out.

moving on.
seems that there are problems at yahoo. lots of compromised mail addresses, inability to access groups, flickr etc.
my mail was suffering so if you receive a post from me with weird links please ignore and do not by the love of cyberia click on the link.
i've already re set and  changed passwords.
 yet more page turning.
someone commented that when trying to access my blog got a blank blog instead.
simple explanation: my blog is a movable feast with its glorious typo. the correct moveable one was already take and i really, really wanted that title. google is dumb and you can fool it (^_^) well, most of the times.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, May 20, 2011

callas the great

goose pimples.
have a good weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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