
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

an english rock group

the kinks

look at those warp ends! and i had no better idea than warp back to front. an activity i have engaged in few and sparse occasions. the good news is that it is relatively thick yarn and threading goes fast. i'm also stopping after each 24 end group and reeding the yarn, tough for a person who wins hands down the non controller championship.
and the dice fell on the woven shibori side. point draw ▲▼ ground in twill and the draw threads as well.
and true to murphy`s  law  the heddles arrived this morning.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

two looms and stitching

top stitch

the two  looms are beamed and sitting prettily. the dobby's waiting for the heddles to arrive.
the table loom with the white overtwisted cotton is waiting for me to make up my mind for the threading. this project has to be simple because the looms is hand manipulated. i've always refrained from textures as the main point in a project  because i think that's a no brainer in weaving. but this one being an overtwisted warp it fell  in that category. the quesion now is whether to keep it relatively simple and then dye afterwards or go along the woven shibori path. i could get two colors with woven shibori.....

not liking to be idle i'm continuing with the knitted samples pieces. this one is two different swatches dyed and pieced together. if i remember well the dyes were artichoke leaves and purple cabbage wrapped in the silk and left lying around. don't remember how i got the tans. then on to  some machine stitching . was having some issues with the hand stitching and decided to go for the solvy stabilized as a backing. when dissolved it will help the piece keep the soft drapey shape it has.

yesterday treated myself to a flick and saw inside job. came home to read this

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, April 08, 2011


que a vida pode ser maravilhosa- ivan lins

have a wonderful spring weekend !

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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