
Wednesday, January 26, 2011



octopus and potatoes galician style

until next monday.but  people have to eat don't they?leaving you with some serious food links for your enjoyment.
  • more of a picture blog, but do check  check out the recipe archive too.
and last but not least my pal rubi posted her take on homemade  ketchup. an absolute winner!

until then, those of you inside the cabin get those pots out and cook to combat the cold !!!
and yes, we eat octopus and potatoes.♥♥

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, January 24, 2011

on its way


to becoming a top. finally off the loom. i had countless problems with  this warp. i learned it really doesn't pay to be frugal and tie on to a dummy warp. in the end you waste the same amount of yarn as if you'd tied on to the rods and put your patience through endless testing. i also learned that i'm too demanding with my little loom-operative word -little. it becomes a real PITA to wind on  more that 4 meters and get an evenly  tight warp.the riggings i had to devise in order to continue weaving and not sacrifice the warp to the pyre!!

now that i've become interested in weaving yardage as a stash reducing scheme, i'm considering getting a loom that can weave one meter wide. i'm becoming more interested in fashion outside fashion without being hippy or back to nature earth momma. don't get me wrong, it's that i'm not that type, nor the fashion victim either. i however do really like clothes. well, one has to live with one's own contradictions  n'est pas?

this yardage was 70cms at the reed and 64.5cms with the draw in. after wet finishing it was 62 cms.
it could have been fulled a bit more, but i really need those extra the end i was able to get 2.5 mts for the top. length's ok it's the width that's problematic.

 wet finished 
i also learned to manipulate color and get a dithered draft. i really
like the woven  effect, much more mottled than a crepe and i like
it better if using a different colored weft. crepes in two colors usually don't cut it for is also very forgiving as a fabric, defects blend in nicely:)
there's another yardage project on the proverbial backburner using dithering. but first i have to weave the summer silk top yardage.

see why i need a bigger loom?

neki desu

Friday, January 21, 2011



this morning i found  a sudden gift in my patio due to the winds. if no one claims it i'll use it. hope it's all cotton.
put stones in your pockets and have a good weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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