having cervical problems with the well known vertigo and nausea symptoms. can't do much computer work, actually i'm scared to sit at it because as soon as i do the room starts spinning. waiting for the osteopath's appointment.
funnily, stitching is fine, no dizziness or discomfort when i bend the neck down. therefore, not being one who's comfortable lying around , i'm working this series on annotations weavers use to represent their world.
i'm stitching on woven fabric, gifted mill samples, and lutradur printed with weave structures which are stitched with the usual conventions such as dots, crosses, slashes etc.
i'm having fun , as long as i don't have to stand up suddenly. then the room starts swirling around.
coincidentally i came across this .
great ideas for using the vinatge embroidery charts i published this week.
coincidentally i came across this .
great ideas for using the vinatge embroidery charts i published this week.
have a good weekend. and those suffering from cabin fever too.
neki desu