
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

flowers vintage embroidery chart

charming matchstick flowers. if you use it please link and leave a message. would love to see what you've download the chart go here .enjoy!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, October 18, 2010

waiting for the weft yarn to dry


finishing this long neglected book, driving through toscana  un giro per la toscana.
which is in a sense reminiscing.

 the covers

transfer free machine tulle and some details. bigger images at my flickr

also reading and pondering not miss his friday is also priceless.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, October 15, 2010

doing the reds now

with lemon

this is the red spectrum of murasaki. you add lemon and the blue-purple turns to red-plum. what i like is that the color ranges are dusty muted, at least in the mid values.the silk yarn has already been a week in the liquor and if i'm patient i'll let it exhaust.

also in the reds my wine tasting class is great. we sample 4 wines per class after a most interesting lecture. i've learned (DUH??) through experience that some notes you perceive are according to your personal references.last week they were talking about stable smell and i never having been to one was totally clueless. but i did find  a green coconut taste and everyone was bewildered.

i have made friends with the farmer who brings the produce to my organic supermarket. he is a very kind person and  an exact replica of old macdonald. i foresee inordinate amounts of dye yielding matter . life's good.
btw anybody knows what would give a lime green?

 have a good weekend ya'll!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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