
Thursday, September 02, 2010

the stitch-a-tron

the fabric that i wanted to use for yesterday's  fractal image. although it was a good choice there was no way the image was going to function and integrate with the background as i noticed when i started stitching.
undo stitches and start working on the fabric, no stress involving the operation:)

stitch-atron3 lots of paint and  tissue paper lamination later i had a more cohesive background and the first stitching layer had a place to sit.i was using cotton perle recycled from the shibori scarves and occasionally an unexpected color surfaced.
i put the image in place, but the first layer of stitches was too dominant. i did not really want to alter the texture of the stitches, just make them less visually  focal.i have some japanese tissue  paper, the ones that have specks of fiber swirling around and thought it would work and catch the  subdued swirls in the image. so i laminated it on the stitching and the paper did just what i wanted.
on to stitching layer two. there is a lot more to stitch on this piece, but so far and if the stitchery gods allow it will have a nice end.

i'm slowly easing my way into the coming season, less outdoor work  which means  more studio and weaving work.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

slowly adapting

 flame tile

to the change of seasons. there's  no direct sunlight in the terrace until one o'clock, so that's good and bad news in one shot.
i have some things on the proverbial back burner, slowly cooking. meanwhile i'm shifting focus and working with the image above.

this is a flame fractal generated with apophysis a wonderful freeware program. it  has  an incredibly steep learning curve, but it's worth learning. give yourself lots of time in order to create your own flames and don't expect instant results.
the image was printed on lutradur™ and it will become a surface piece with lots of stitching and various other treatments. 
doing mental workouts for the backburner stuff.

neki desu

Creative Commons License

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

a summer full of nuances

orton oversion

summer is closing and friends are coming back to town. this morning had a catch up breakfast and my posting routine got pleasantly altered.

here's another 6 month shibori. it lived for three weeks in december in the pomegranate soup on my balcony. the molds in the liquid, the invisible friendly foes, did their thing .when i took the scarf out from the soup i almost fainted when i saw those dots. but then thinking about it it was kind of cool getting random patterning with no effort, sort of mindless patterning.
thinking along those lines i wrapped  some onion skins and let them to act as freely as they wanted. by then it was already february.the scarf spent spring  quietly developing some of its  qualities.

 summer nuances 3

and then came summer. and ai. and dip one  and two and three. and still too pale.

 summer nuances2

i started wondering about boosting the blue up with mx dyes which in the end i did.

 and here you have the whole number

 summer nuances

 very pleased with the outcome. and i'm being coy :) hope you could all see the color nuances.
it will be in the shop tomorrow

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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