
Wednesday, August 04, 2010


flower print

means indigo dyeing, working outdoors, colors. lots of colors. i had the background of the fabric from last summer and yesterday i gave it a go setting up a printing table on the terrace and printing away.
 has not been washed and if you look closely you can see the soda ash- sodium bicarb mix on the surface .
 it needs another layer, most likely dark blue outlining the flowers.i think that will bring it all together.
what do you think?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

collar girls


go tututututurutu. sorry could not resist the easy pun:):) regardless of the silly  fun the photos are charming picturing the little girls all curls and galoshes wearing pretty pinafores. the collar,  made in cotton batiste, is presumably  detachable.
collar half

here's the chart, half collar, but it's can go to my flickr and download the actual size.i changed my flickr permission so that the charts could be downloadable. now i have to work on my scanning skills.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, August 02, 2010

the beauties and the beast

waxed linen

just in time before the store closed for the month i got these waxed linen spools. guess what i'll be doing this summer?even thinking about weaving with them, but their price is something to be seriously considered.
as we are waiting for some issues to be resolved we're on stand by mode, in case the magic call comes through. meaning we're not going very far this summer. just occasional day trips to nearby places. not complaining because there's a lot to be seen and eaten in tarragona and girona .
and i'm also sparing myself of the usual studio frenzy finishing projects before going on holidays.

moving on here.the beauties are evident, but the beast behind needs some explaining. it is a machine knitted sample worked in silk bourette in a tuck stitch pattern.  dyed with dharma's mx navy and it turned out purple :(
apparently the red in the mix was fuchsia, notorious for fast striking. has your navy ever turned purple on you?
as there's nothing to lose now the next step will be overdyeing to see if  the color can get shifted.

and tell me, how do you like th is place's new look? hope i haven't gone from stark to too funky.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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