
Friday, July 23, 2010

slipped detached chain

 slipped detached chain

 this stitch  with a rock band name was TAST week 21.a simple yet effective one. i can envision whole fields of buds done in this stitch, or a very elaborate band with beads and couching.
i'm using some of the tie threads  for the ai dyed shibories. they are the fatter #5 perle cotton , the teal ones are from a knitted sample that was also dunk in the vat.

it's cooled off today.FINALLY. better run to the studio and do some work today. machine knitting  while i can. ♪♫

neki desu

 Creative Commons License

Thursday, July 22, 2010

ouvrages de dames-chart1


here we go, the first chart is a pretty design of art nouveau roses.
i'm including the gravure of the project as it is a  very charming  rendition of a purse with its accessories namely a glass case and coin purse. coincidentally when i visited hvitträsk i took photos of cushions embroidered with a similar motif. you can tell it was the way roses were rendered then. click on the embroidery chart and you can see it full  size. 

btw, do you like my signature? :)have to tweak it a bit and make the background transparent.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a link rich post


or too hot to work.
it's cooler up north and Leena is trying a fermentation vat. vicarious dyeing over here :)- perhaps i should say dying-note the spelling
i have been spending time inside ie at the computer which has resulted in a few interesting finds.

for starters here's an attractive blog full of all kinds of crafty tips, podcasts and insights on whats going on and around.
ever thought about pleating fabric,without spending big time on a pleater? burda™ has a tutorial on making a pleating board fast and easy.

on the fun and games department this has been around for a while, but it is a good resource for generating doodles which can in turn  be used as a springboard and taken further. you can use any ol'  fine tip pen and paper, i can assure you.

and last color and interactions-almost literal- here .fun and color ideas galore.

on closing,  a delightful article on cakes. don't be put off by the title, your baking will never be the same.

stay cool.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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