
Friday, July 09, 2010

some useful advice

for those of us who do not have central air-con:
better be wrinkled and cool in linen than pressed and dripping sweat in polyester.

summer red , it's this year's  color  :)

have a nice weekend!

neki desu
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Thursday, July 08, 2010

keeping your cool ; )


can be difficult in this weather and everyone complaining about the heat. here's the latest invention chez nous.
  •  slice some watermelon and cube it
  •  soft freeze the cubes
  • put them through a blender
  • put the blend in a tall glass and fill it with seltz water.
you'll enjoy the best watermelon soda sweeteners, no extra calories, no additives .and for the price of a soda you can get 2 whole watermelons fully recyclable!

ps. everybody was walking around this morning with a silly grin on the face.
even the chinese shopkeepers from  dollar stores  were flag waving.

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License

Wednesday, July 07, 2010



 seems we're no longer immortal and invincible. how can one transcribe the feeling when one cannot transcribe it in the usual way? how does one find comfort in that piece of knowledge?

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License


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