
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

holy patience

back cover book of holy patience and endurance

back cover                                                                           front cover

The title of this book has been premonitory. Thanks to all who have suggested web hosts.Keep those suggestions coming !. i need to change hosts before my domain expires as i foresee upcoming nightmares if i don't change hosts before then.
These book covers were my moment of solace, so to speak.  i also added a bit of silver foil to the back pages  for punch and on the inside the white buttons were taken off.

book of  holy patience and endurance back opened

Here's the back with  silver foiled pages.i am really enjoying the white on black painting. It's terrible to take good photos, but  i like the depth it creates.
Signing off because blogger is acting up. i REALLY don't need that.

neki desu

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Creative Commons License

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

SOS- web page nightmare


See that tiny dot in the middle of the spiral? That's me.
Having severe issues with my web page hosting.The "company" was sold and in theory we were all getting an upgrade. And  the upgrade has resulted in a huge mess and almost non existent support.  Scroll to the bottom to see the latest complains.
My web page is a wreck the slide show doesn't work, neither do the  full image photos .The Paypal  button and script are also screwed up.
i've tried  fixing  everything and re uploading  again, but nothing of the sort works.

Checking on the net there are many things to consider when selecting a host. My priority is that they do not host adult- pornography pages. It's hard enough living in a planet that allows that.
Then there are also scams with your domain name, credit card and billing and to add insult to injury spam and  proxy hijacking.

 i would be more than grateful if  you  come to rescue and  suggest  trusted web hosts. Please!!!

neki desu

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Creative Commons License

Friday, February 05, 2010

custom dyed

walnut dyed

i've been doing some custom dyeing for a friend  using my walnut hull soup. Interesting stuff for me because i don't have much experience dyeing wool, and wool takes very different from silk.i can dye silk with my eyes closed, with either natural or synthetic dyes and i'm able to predict and get the color i want.
Come to think of it as i write, perhaps that's my major trade in my jack-of- all- trades life.

Have fun at the weekend!

neki desu

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Creative Commons License


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