
Monday, December 07, 2009

strutting along

halfway mark

Reached the halfway mark, although my house has never been so clean, have never been taken so many nice photos, my Flickr never so organized. Have 2 mordanted silk skeins to dye in the pomegranate soup.
Creative and efficient procrastination is what i've developed :)
Still, i want one of these.

neki desu

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Friday, December 04, 2009

i'm curious

pomegranate sample

Yellow!! When i took the sample out of the pomegranate soup after two days it was taxi cab yellow. Some color washed off, but it is still pretty vivid.Next step will be mordanting some silk yarn with alum and leaving it for 2 days as well.
Weavingwise i managed to finish tieing on the first chain in all of its 300 knots.Amazing the strategies used to combat boredom. Like chanting gray-blue, blue gray in mantra fashion to keep the order on each layer as if i suffred from Asperger's syndrome .C' mon people, i need a pep crew!

We are having a 5 day bank holiday until Tuesday.Anybody wants to move to Spain?
Have a lovely weekend!

neki desu

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

design principl#32

The most effective, most creative problem solvers engage in a process of
metathinking, or "thinking about thinking".

Mathew Frederic

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

neki desu

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