
Friday, October 09, 2009

working from the back

number1 misty

Loom break. Don't want to push myself too hard as i'm wearing an elastic wrist band . Yet here i am at the computer during my loom break. Like someone who doesn't drink coffee because of the caffeine, but drinks 3 cokes a day.

The photo on the left is the original weaving. i found it very" hefty" for my current mood and in one of those- which one do you think the front or the back?- dilemmas i chose the back as it makes a subtler more interesting background for embellishing.

There's a glistening stream going from the bottom right to the top center left. -Does that make sense?- It's a shimmery chiffon scarf that i found and have been merrily cutting up and using wherever i can. The lovely merino is from RosyPink and whatever i say will not do justice to their wonderful fibers.
i wanted a misty feeling over the water lily pond and the embellisher took care of that . Actually it's like a floating fog ,more mauve and less pink, but natural light is not cooperating today and i didn't want to overspend myself with ps because i'm working on another accordion book.

Perhaps the work needs a bit more of cohesion.Will have to sleep on that. As i commented the other day at a blog , we need a workshop that teaches when to stop and when to keep working on a piece. Seriously!
Have a great weekend.

neki desu

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

design principle #17

wood and onion

The more specific a design idea is, the greater its appeal is likely to be.

Matthew Frederic

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

neki desu

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

boring myself silly

wool silk scarf
First 300 picks.The repeat is 846 and then it mirrors.The weft is a soft silk bourette , the operative word is soft meaning loosely spun.It twists on itself and i didn't want to skein and dye it, already having my share with the wool warp and the hairspray smell, so that's the reason for the natural color. However when finished it will be dyed the colors of the rainbow. And that will be the fun part. One has to endure the worms if one wants to enjoy butterflies paraphrasing St. Exupery.
The line in the middle is not a mistake, although it looks like one, because it weaves correctly in the plain weave part. Mystery.

Here's the tie up for the weaving,
originally cooked by me.:)
tie up
neki desu

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