
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

an announcement for embroiderers


The Hand Embroidery Network has announced their second on line exhibit. Details here
See their first on line exhibit here
C'mon let's get working!

neki desu

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Monday, October 05, 2009

hectic weekend

black velvet2

Weekends have developed into a non stop race.Comes Monday and i'm exhausted.
Between the mundane(won't bore you with domestic bs, grocery shopping and related minutia),meeting friends and spending quality time with husband -san i need to scrape some time for me. And if lucky convert some of it in studio time.
The above is a test of different fabrics and wool yarn embellished on velvet.Interesting material, velvet. Slowly getting to know the embellisher better.

Then some tying on to a remaining warp. Look at all those pretty little knots! Only a weaver can appreciate this photo:)
little knots
warp The dark blue wool warp will be converted into this with a mirrored treadling. i'm still sampling colors and remembered why i weave almost exclusively with silk. The tie up was designed like a graphic image and includes 3/1, 1/3 twills and a little plain weave.
It hasn't presented take up problems.

On Friday i was given a kilo and a half of walnut hulls and have also been processing that for an impending dye session.Now that the weatherman has announced hot weather from mid week well into next weekend i can do some dyeing on the terrace, to husband-san's relief.

And last but not least, i've also been doodling a bit getting focused for the new surface design series i've been pondering.
Time for a nap.

neki desu

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Thursday, October 01, 2009

design principle#4


When elements or spaces are not explicit but are nonetheless apparent- we can see them though we can't see them- they are said to be implied.

neki desu

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Creative Commons License


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