
Thursday, January 08, 2009


tomita jun-close

This is yet another example of Japanese deceivingly simple beauty.
It is kasuri woven by Tomita Jun and i fell in love with it while in Kyoto.
Every time i look at it it takes me back to Kyoto and if there's a city i would always go back to that's the one.

Here's the full view and more information about the artist.

tomita jun

neki desu

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

color comes to rescue


Some oddities here. Have you ever come across silk that pills? Like that above? Strange! This is a remaining skein from a kilo that i bought ages and ages ago in a place outside New Jersey.
It was at the beginning of my weaving life and i was sure i would never have any use for that silk as it was frog hair thin. But it was beautiful and the love of beauty blinded me. Again.

This is a sample of the double weave on the loom. Simple, predictable. And B-O-R-I-N-G!

dw3 Color comes to rescue. A simple trick weaving with 2 colors as per taffeta weave. Hope you can appreciate the color iridescence as the light hits the fabric. Two shuttles are a lot better than three. My can't live without double shuttle from here.
Think i'll have the scarf finished before the year ends.

Oh! and for those of you who thought my fairy godmother was a literary invention check this and scroll down. LOL!

neki desu

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Monday, December 22, 2008

a bit of holiday cheer

wishing you all the best

neki desu
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