
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

inspiring blog meme


The flower was given to me by my neighbor and i'm using it here to illustrate the color of my right eye after i tripped and fell flat on my face last Thursday. Still limping because i also hurt a toe, but on my way to being back in the swing of things, as i've been printing over Easter. Husband-san has been a champ and so was the lady that picked me up from the pavement.

Ok, ten blogs that are a source of inspiration:

Anica for the humor and positive outlook in her work
Jude need i say why?
The Missus ditto
Obachan's Kitchen food and Japan :) :)
Elisabeth -Quieter Moments- what she does with needle and thread is amazing
Grijs design and flair
Weaverly my weaving guru
Rang the Colors of Life inspiring photos and the mood
Aidan Brooks Trainee Chef food and a foreigner's look on the city where i live
Daily Writing Tips what do you want? i love grammar
Maditi-likes there's life and creativity outside our boundaries


neki desu

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter everyone!

sakura shibori

Here's to human kindness

neki desu

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Warp already reeded, now some minor adjustments and it will be a weaving Easter.
This gizmo is an autodenter, a very high tech sounding name for a mechanical tool :) and it came from here.
It does make denting easier once you've tamed the beast, which tends to fall apart in the beginning as it comes with a built- in learning curve. It should also come with tranquilizers, but no such luck.
In spite of all the above once you master it it's easy to use and efficient.
Some recommendations:
  • i've noticed it works better( imo) with denser reeds, 10-15 ends x cm. and thin yarns. Actually, for thicker yarns and wider spaced reeds there is no need for one.
  • You have to control the side push or else you'll skip dents. Yes, that happens!
  • i'd start with 20-30 threads tied to the back of the loom and practice till you get the swing of it as it can generate some stress in the beginning. Then when you feel confident move on to using it fully.

This is just a visual presentation of the tool. go here for a vid on how to use it.

neki desu


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