
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

it's official

Deckard is a replicant. Blade Runner final cut dispels the erstwhile controversy.
After that being settled now it's time to park my Japanese lessons until next year.
How much human is human?

neki desu

Monday, November 26, 2007

chinese medicine

Bad, bad cough. Nasal and sinus congestion. Ginger comes to rescue.
Grind fresh ginger, put it in water and heat. Aspire the vapor, then sieve the liquid saving the ginger shavings for another sesion. Mix the liquid with milk and drink it.You can add sugar, but i like the kick, hot and pungent. Get in bed under the covers.
Repeat twice, three times at the most in one day. Guaranteed to get you better.
Ask me how i know.

neki desu

Sunday, November 25, 2007

the whole gamut


i've made ATCs and postcards that i have to upload. Now it's the turn for stamps.
You can see the scale with a 5 cent € coin. All materials with no remorse:) lutradur, paint, foil, beads, those cool iridescent square sequins and thread. And oh yes the heat gun. Fun to play with when you're stressed out.

neki desu


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