
Friday, September 21, 2007

aizome or at last i'm in a roll

Perhaps it is because my friend brought this ai back from Japan. Perhaps because i spoke Japanese to the vat or maybe because after ditching 2 fermentation vats as useless this summer the aizome gods had pity on me. At last i have a functioning vat. It only took me 9 summers, mind you.
The ai in question is synthetic Indian indigo from Tanaka Nao.
There is something that separates adults from kids and that is trying to run a fermentation vat. This indigo was comparatively a cinch to get reduced.

There's also another component. i was following the recipe from a well known natural dyes recipe book and quite frankly it is a royal pain, not to mention error prone to follow a recipe whose quantities are listed in cups, tablespoons, ounces, quarts and fractions of those measures.In every conversion for example from tablespoons to fractions of cups you're dealing with a fudge factor that adds on and as everybody knows, indigo dyeing is rocket science.. Maybe standardizing would have helped.

As a result this year i dumped that book and followed the Lewis and Proctor recipe. It follows through like a cookie recipe. And best of all there's a trouble shooting guide for medicating the vat. That book, in case you are not familiar with it, is gold. i have the'95 revised edition and the information is not dated.
Something else i noted was how crucial temperature is. Apparently hot Spain is not hot enough to keep a vat outside at it's ideal temperature.

Here is yesterday's effort. A bit of cheating here because the yarns are wet, but there's no way they'll turn light blue.Yarns are different kinds of unscoured silk. Contrary to common knowledge they all dyed evenly and the color take up was great.
Today i'm doing some itajime on cotton.

neki desu

Thursday, September 20, 2007

who said you needed angst to create

Was so happy for having made it to second level of Japanese that i rushed to the studio. Found some great dotted bias tape, those fringes with velvety balls and fabric paint and i set out in a very celebratory mood.
The background fabric was a handwoven collapse silk shibori scarf that scorched badly while degumming. It hurt to throw it away and had been shifting around from one place to another.

While stitching away i had a what if moment a là Jude and made a shiboried cotton backing. And then did some scribbling with this fabric paint that i had bought eons ago never to be used. Sometimes it pays to stash products, never know when they'll be handy.

i've been trying felting needles to see if that's the way i want to follow and if it adds to what i want to do/make so the small velvety balls have been needle felted to the background.
Everything followed through smoothly and made a very enjoyable work afternoon. i think it shows, don't you?

neki desu

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

happy happy dance

The Japanese placement test was horrid. And long.
However.... drum roll....i made it to level 2!
Here's a commemorative animated textile by this animated soul. Enjoy

neki desu


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