
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Saturday, August 04, 2007

TAST 31 -cast on stitch

This was a funner. i got so carried away that i started adding other stitches and i completed a pseudo picture. However, there are no variations of the stitch, just changes in the size of the threads.
i used very fine(tex 100) 2 ply wool, 16/4 linen, perle cotton and spun silk . All thrums from previous projects.
Two glass button studs round out the piece.

neki desu

Friday, August 03, 2007

on craft and crafting

Now that everybody is an artist i have become interested in the c word and all that's behind the DIY movement. Agreed there are lots of uncool works, but there's a lot of uncool art too. In fact there's a lot of uncool stuff in life !
What interest me the most is the intellectual backbone behind it and periodically i check around blogs and read what's going on.

One of those trips took me to Ulla Maaria's blog and her manifesto which i found thought provoking. Her blog too is worth a more than superficial glance.
As you know you follow a link ,then one link led to another and yet another and i landed in the Burda page. Well, in a nutshell it is a sewing page with free downloadable patterns. There's also a sewpedia, sewing tips and lots of info.
It's comforting to note that although you have to register to be able to download patterns, there's no copyright uptightness and more of a creative commons scene.
For all of you who sew, enjoy!

neki desu


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