
Friday, June 18, 2010

the spell was cast and here we are in heaven

first round

as we say in our household:
you can boil water in a frying pan. but the existence of saucepans should tell you something.
litmus paper works, but....

have a great weekend! i will :)

neki desu
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

catch up if i may


TAST weeks 13, 14 and 16.skipping 15 as i tried it before with no luck. its time will come as with bullion can't neither hurry love♫♫☺  nor force things to happen.
not too creative with this stitching. blame it on the weather.although some sunny spots today, but still 20ºC!
the buttonhole herringbone is sloppy .i found that if the foundation herringbone's not firm it turns into a wet herring and the buttonhole stitch twists. live and learn.

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the little urchin

little urchin

19ºc outside and she's trying to run a vat.the little urchin above is the culprit. yes,Sandra you're right , indigo will happen when it's time. but what if i die -note spelling- tonight? the forecast says a full week of rains and cold, it's even snowing again in the pyrenees!
the bucket is covered with an old sweater and layers of newspapers. i located ,conveniently misplaced, some of the morrocan indigo that i bought years ago and i'm using that. nicely reduced, thank you ph meter! and the temperature is right-thank you new  thermometer! 
cant afford to funk my sukumo. that will have to wait.

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License


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