
Friday, June 25, 2010

really this and that

sword sitch

a perfect day yesterday. beautiful weather and being a holiday it could be enjoyed. great relaxing breakfast at a lovely art deco caf around the corner from my place where you can still have the perfect petit crême and butter croissants along with the morning papers. some time to practice the sword stitch and actually finish this week's TASTi'm early!! for a change.
dinner at a restaurant we've been trying to get a table from time  immemorial , lucking  out yesterday.
good food, better wine and best; nice and quiet, as everyone is away at the beach for the 4 day weekend of st. john, sao joao, san juan, san giovanni, sant joan, one of the biggies.

and today i find that flickr is making changes. the sucker that i am was instantly wooed with the take me to the future link. i mean who wouldn't want that? the only caveat is that photos being bigger now are easier to nick even if you have all kinds of restrictions.we'll see how it goes, in the meantime i'm in the future :)

 neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



very un- japanese to toot your own horn. simple unpretentious itajime.

go here for additional info

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License

Monday, June 21, 2010


 the little urchin
cosmic angst. june 21st. and it's 18ºc at 11:30 a.m. something is not right.
sunday was glorious though, warm enough for some aizome, clear blue skies and a light breeze.
the little urchin above is going through stages. as ever, the tie threads take better and faster. why oh why?

found out that it was not my own klutziness, but that the knitting machine sponge bar was disintegrating. hence the dropped stitches and the getting stuck in the middle of a pass.
running  out to get one of those sponge tapes used to seal windows for a diy job.

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License


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