
Monday, September 09, 2024

strange year

although it's been a while since i stopped working my years still start with the school year.old dogs new tricks is quite impossible.
it has beed a strange summer started unseasonably cool so lots of lettuce all at once. cucumbers and tomatoes did poorly.then the heat concentgrated in just one week, too late for vegs and especially eggplant. they are flowering now and we've been under a cold spell for the past three days.¯\ ( ツ ) /¯

weaving happened in late winter early spring, the rest has been the warp from hell and the frustration derived from and my stubbornnes .¯\ ( ツ ) /¯ no knitting has been done and dyeing went down  to the minimum expression.
i have concentrated on printing mainly to deal with the frustrating warp.i need some more courage to finally cut it and get on with my life.

development of the photo above

emphasizing the dark lights brings it all together.

opera tonight, donizetti's  anna bolena . curious about the soprano, sabina puertolas.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

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