
Monday, July 22, 2024

of colors

the other day went to the mall with a friend.had been lond since i was at the mall and also with a friend doing girly things. she wanted to buy some nail polish and once at the cosmetic shop i bit the bait.
as the japanese doramas have taught, orange eyeshadow looks good with dark there i was. the only time i wear makeup is when i go to the opera. full regalia: makeup, dress up, nice shoes, jewelry et all. sas a result i think my make up dates from the 70's. T__T  
fast forward. bought the kit on the left as the colors along with the coveted orange looked promising.
oohh war paint! we went to a lingerie strore and a shoe store. while she was trying on shoes i curiously looked at the backside of makeup case,something i should have done at the strore.
lo and behold make up made in the prc.yep,china. they are notorious for using non standard (being kind here) ingredients in everything. not  desiring to risk blindness went to another store firsts one didn't accept devolutions(alarm) and come to think of it for 5€ what was to be expected. that shows how incredibly uncouth i am makeup wise. the second case on the right was 20€ made in turkey (almost europe) and under german supervision.this sounds racist,but it isn't. the germans have to comply with european safety and health a nutshell this  makeup won't cause blindness.

after all this predicament we went for real down to earth stuff. liquitex and amsterdam.
more gelli printing ahead.

neki desu 
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