
Monday, December 17, 2018

stitching a cold away

lying low with a cold of a cold. nothing better than some stitching. my friend blandina gave me a skein of nettle yarn some time ago and i wove it.had this small piece that ended up as you can see with some printing and stitching.just comfort work akin to comfort food.

trying to consciously avoid doing circles
which have become another visual cliche.
remember swirls?
maybe this looks constrained, but hey, no circles.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


  1. beautiful little piece, the printed squares are really interesting. Hope the cold goes quickly. And hey,I will always do circles.

  2. Bè, è un pezzo bellissimo.Non mi ricordavo di averti regalato questo filato. Hai un dono per trasformare le cose in piccole opere d'arte. Buon Natale!


interaction appreciated!


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