
Monday, September 09, 2013

the long wait

finally was able to start knitting. had to change the sponge bar three, yes, three times. the thing with DIY jobs is the discrepancy between ball park creatures and precise elements. the cutting of the sponge was ball park, the metal bar where it goes, precise. each time i had to strip the sponge, clean the adhesive and sponge gunk let  it all dry and start all over again. 
ridiculous because  if all goes well i can knit the fabric in 2 hours  going at a slow pace.

yesterday i started knitting accompanied by the feared thuds and broken threads. on close examination i found out that the beautiful whole cone of jaeggerspun merino was not a continuous thread, but one with beginnings and ends,many ends  shyly exposing themselves among the wound  yarn cone. oy vey!

i am now using a worsted yarn that i had been saving for weaving while kicking myself for having bought that merino. most likely i was shipped a lemon, but it was so long ago that it's useless contacting the seller whom i cannot remember. it's jaegger's bad for selling such stuff, which by the way comes with a hefty price tag.

changing yarns means adapting the knit too.
i had casted on providing for some fulling because i wanted a somewhat dense fabric. i'll have to decrease some stitches now because the worsted doe not full like the merino.
if i were sensible i'd take those 30 passes as a sample to see how it fulls.i have until i finish my morning post and mails to decide. sigh!

neki desu
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  1. Ouch! Whether weaving or knitting, it's a PITA when the yarn is in multiple pieces. If weaving, it's okay for weft, but with knitting you really don't want lots of yarn overlaps... Hope the rest of the project goes smoothly.

  2. Ouch! Whether weaving or knitting, it's a PITA when the yarn is in multiple pieces. If weaving, it's okay for weft, but with knitting you really don't want lots of yarn overlaps... Hope the rest of the project goes smoothly.

  3. Whether weaving or knitting, it's a PITA when the yarn is in multiple pieces. If weaving, it's okay for weft, but in knitting you really don't want lots of yarn overlaps. I hope the rest of the project goes smoothly!

  4. Sounds like there was moth/insect attack on that cone of yarn!?

  5. Anonymous10:05 PM

    oooo, how annoying. And that stuff's not cheap either.


interaction appreciated!


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