
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

become became become

a sample. glad i did it because i do not like the hand after fulling. nothing critical, but evidently, the worsted is meant for weaving .one more bothering thing is that the  aspect ratio of the pattern gets slightly distorted.
starting over with the wonky merino and watching it like a hawk. don't want it to jam the machine.
 but i don't want this post to be me,me, me.  sharing this. very exciting work, there's something for everyone. including books ;)

neki desu
Creative Commons License


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    hard to take that decision to stop especially after a long preparation - good that it was the right decision and good luck with the merino. Thanks for the interesting link.

  2. oh, it looks woven-ish.

  3. Mi piace che il disegno sia un po' distorto, lo trovo interessante. E che bei colori!


interaction appreciated!


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