
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

will the real pattern please flash a light?


i'm looking.
this is what you get when you buy a pattern book here.a jumble that you have to sort out and once sorted you need to find your size, trace it and remember to add sewing allowance. the phrase make allowances has never had such a precise meaning.

the burda option is slightly better, but not that much to make a difference and the caveats are many. styles are frumpy, proportions are for tall, big german women and there's something about them i don't like.
when i firts came here there were no patterns except for these books. so everytime i went back or traveled to france i'd stock on good ol' vogue patterns of the if you can read, you can sew school.
i created a good stock over the time. problem is that they are from the time i was also known as la sylphide and i don't have size altering out came the old books.

now on to buying some essentials such as paper for the pattern, carbon tracing paper and the little dented wheel that goes with it. 
as ever, if you go with the trend you have no problem here. problem is when you go by the beat of a different drum.
patchwork? everything you can think of and then some more. sewing ? almost what's that? now that people are getting back to sewing it still hasn't caught up here. basic supplies are limited to whatever burda puts out plus they make you pay the lord's euros for 2 dina4 carbon papers. long gone are those professional tailor supplier stores where you had an assortment and a choice.

 fabric stores are another gripe. over the past 5-7 years many of them have closed leaving us with 3 at the most 4 of them.  yes, everything  gets us on the opposite  side of the spectrum .therefore i weave. and i'm ripping open some skirts from my sylphid period to use the gorgeous fabrics again.

i'm tired of looking for clothes that fit well and are made of good fabric.garments mthat are not 90% crap and 10% a good fiber just to justify the price tag.garments size 42 that are not old ladyish as if size 42 women were not interested in looking stylish. this woman size 42 of a certain age wants to look stylish and contemporary. note i did not say young. that would be rather pathetic wouldn't it? ;-)

off the soapbox. on with the sewing.

neki desu
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  1. Stessa cosa qui. Io prendo dei grandi fogli di carta velina, le tracce le ripasso con un pennarello e così si vedono in trasparenza: né rotella né carta carbone.
    E se non voglio sciupare le tracce, mi appoggio al vetro di una finestra...primitivo, ma funziona!

  2. I quit making clothes when my large German heritage caught up with me...dang, darn it all. I'm NOT good at altering a pattern to fit me's on with bohemiannie! style...which fits me to a T.

  3. Oh, dear! I know exactly what you mean. The biggest clothing store in the next town over (none here except Kmart) is called "Forever 21." Does that sound like it has anything for me? Not Likely!

  4. Hi Neki, I would like to know where to buy good quality sewing fabrics that we used to be able to buy from the many stores back then as well...I am tired of garbage fabrics that fade and pill after the first wash. Good luck with your sewing. By the way do you know what size 42 is in Australia

  5. Anonymous11:43 PM

    oh, good luck. at one time I really could sew, then my girlish shape became a distant memory and I lived in denial - for awhile. anything I can afford to buy is so poorly made, or designed for twiggy, that I come home empty handed. soon I'm going to be naked and that would be frightful and cold.

  6. omg...that pattern book looks like a road map.

  7. so many of the fabric stores around these parts have closed too leaving very little but the big box stores like Joann fabrics or worse Walmart (brrr you can feel the life force being drained from thousands of underpaid workers in those places). I have found some fabrics on ETSY and even some clothing designers that don't skew too young (or too skinny) might be worth checking out...

  8. I like less-known designers to sew with -- something tells me you'd like Loes Hinse's patterns (loeshinse[dot]com). If you got patterns shipped to your US relatives, they could send them on to you. I've made a few of her things -- easy, lovely, and modern.

    I used to find good fabric once in a while at Joanne, but mail order (especially Paron in NYC) always had a better selection. Of course, it does take away the fondle factor.

    (And if you think it's a pain being a 42, try 48. I practically swooned when I found PJ's in my size on sale at The English Cut.)

  9. so, you could buy a sheet and make the proverbial caftan and use that pattern book for the basis of a series of artists books!
    and yes, my shape is also larger and lower than it was. sigh, indeed

  10. Anonymous8:15 PM

    hear, hear...! the same here, no fabric shop in the whole Highlands, thak goodness for e-bay and on-line shops (let me know if you need links).
    I buy shets of good quality tissue paper, lay it on the pattern and trace with a pen/pencil.


interaction appreciated!


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