
Monday, May 10, 2010

the woven word

 lee's kitchen special-2

more of it, now that it has become so easy thanks to the liftplan connection. still had some warp so i dashed to the computer and designed a kitchen towel for my BIL, cook extraordinaire.
for someone who believes in  the written word, the woven word is almost like a small miracle.
sitting at the loom koei mode (see soetsu yanagi) i had thoughts of a new series. and i want to explore different fonts for better readability. maybe continue using the same linen now that i've learned how to tame it into submission.and add surface design elements.
lee's kitchen special

 on another note i gave my friend the table runner. found an ikea bag and put it in and told him i had seen it there and thought he might like it.
he  took the bag and said "how sweet of you".then pulled the runner out and said "you didn't buy this at ikea, it says you all over"- which i thought it was a pretty neat compliment. then he got excited when he realized it had their names all over.
life is full  of small pleasures.

neki desu

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  1. perfect. and i should get that book. yup.

  2. What a beautiful gift. To treasure, not to cook with I think.

  3. wowwee. this is totally cool.

  4. It makes me so happy to see this, & I love your idea of a brush collection.

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    exciting stuff neki- been totally enamored with your woven words.

    had my 5 year old niece with me the other day and we got out a small loom i had all warped up and taught her the very basics. it was a piece that had already been started and was almost done. she wove (with my help) the last 2 inches and we took it off the loom and she wore it home wrapped around her middle.
    a brave start- we will see over time if she has any interest. but at least at 5 she has seen how cloth is made and has a piece she wove part of.


interaction appreciated!


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