
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

buttonhole band

This week finds me uploading last week's TAST and without the benefit of Elisabeth of Quieter Moments who fuels my imagination.As a result this sample is very plain, almost verging on the boring.
Presently i'm getting my kicks from indigo dyeing which is going so well it has me walking around with a silly grin. Husband is another chapter in the story, he's ready to file for divorce because of the smell which is no big deal, just the characteristic indigo vat smell.

i used DMc embroidery ,spun silk for texture and silk doupioni dyed by myself.
For the ladders i used perle cotton recycled from a shibori dyeing session. Sometimes i keep the yarns i use for arashi shibori as i like the results and it is also instant gratification for being frugal.

i think there are possibilities with the diamond shapes but need to be worked better.
And there's also a lot of play with curved ladders. i have to get back to this stitch during a winter night.

neki desu


  1. NOT boring. Not at all. Very interesting ideas. And the colors are great!

  2. Sorry Neki, I'm with your husband on this one. The smell of fermented urine would make me want to move out too. :-)
    Nice sample! I particularly like the blue part in the middle. Very cool!

  3. Neki, I think I should have been looking here for inspiration. I especially love what you did with the diamond shapes and that long vertical in the center. The colors are great.


interaction appreciated!


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