
Friday, September 16, 2022

water conservation

and heat control. have a good weekend
enjoy the sound

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

on weaving

for over two years the warp has been silently and patiently waiting its turn to be acted on. machine knitting was taking precedence over it. weaving is a multi process, slow and painstaking, and it requiers concentration and willpower. however, concentration as well as reading comprehension have been covid  casualties imo.
so between heat waves when too much movement is a no-no the preliminaries of the weaving event become relevant. one sits and designs, sits and threads, sits and reeds.
i have also become aware that once a kamikaze weaver, always a kamikaze weaver. still learning to warp sectional yet, instead of using heavier threads until i get the hang of the technicalities, i am still using my frog hair yarns  ¯\ ( ツ) /¯

i have also postponed the stress of having to deal with the loom electronics. that would have triggered ugly actions and thoughts during covid. the combination of old laptop, old program and serial port adaptor are killers. i'll eventually get to that and i always-knock on wood-get it up and running but this is like a.a. one day at a time.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

bacon's not what it used to be

warming up towards the maiwa course  painting and painting with natural dyes
all silk yarns here  natural dyed and  post treated w. assorted modifiers.
this year the heat has been so intense up north that not only has affected  living organisms, but also inorganic inert substances such as dyes. true,bacon is not what it used to be as we say in our household and this applies to every single thing. my first procion mx dyes bought from dharma almost 40 years ago held up a good 30 years until they started shifting color and losing dye power.some colors didn't even age.

madder and tannins 

the batch i got 6-7 years ago have gone bad in 3 miserable years. i am talking quality here. quality and kindness seem terms on their way out with all the implications.
let's see if the shift to natural dyes cuts that issue.
i now have a disposal problem of almost one kilo of dye powders.  ⋋__⋌ 

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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