amongst the tack.some of the beautiful old stores in kyoto have it's a myriad of tacky stores selling cheap stuff from china to accomodate the prevailing trend of lots of stuff, buy now and throw away later.
kyoto which was subdued elegance, serene beauty has also fallen into the tourist trap.even some of the once cool stores are making concessions.
it's a relief temples and architecture
it's a good thing getas don't look comfortable.
just becuse of that they have been spared
i remember in 2018 a friend wanted some
found anywhere.
had to wait until tokyo and akihabara, their
natural environment, to find gachapon.
now they are all over. note the tourist with a
paper cup inside the store. the japanese diet has been affected by tourist flux and you are beginning to see fat people, somethingtrhat was reserved for sumo wrestlers.
yes it is that bad. they are running ads like this all over kyoto. it breaks my heart.
neki desu