
Thursday, February 27, 2025

sourcing from the stash

samples already done now the yarn. the burgundy yarn is mobelatta from sweeden bought in prehistoric's more of a weaving yarn, hard twist, and a bit scratchy. for the neckband i'll be using the verigated skein which is merino and soft. 

attempting a more shapely number,still no armhole shaping, but lots of neck shaping. let's see what happens.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

another inetrmezzo

monoprints again.such fun especially when you relax and don't expect to produce  a masterpiece.

the second layer masking parts of the background.

this is taking shape.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

back to school

trying to get a better understanding of armhole and neck shaping. when you knit and then join rectangles life is good. now try neck and armhole shaping and get a coherent shape. dug out my self study workbooks by tami nobuyuki , invaluable resources.
the cotton yarn in the samples torques like crazy, but as i have kilos and kilos of it because of a strange exchange so  that't what i use for practice.
my intention is to go beyond the rectangles and knit something with a bit more shape. i parked the two color fairisle cardigan until i feel more at ease with all those needles on hold.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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