
Friday, July 08, 2016

never mind the spiel

look at the glorious textiles!
have a good weekend.stay cool!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 05, 2016


trip to oviedo. away for the rest of the week. however here are some photos for your entertainment.
yipeee! going to cool country, a week without heat.
be good and be cool

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, July 04, 2016


yesterday was cloudy nice and cool, great day for working in the studio. parked the composition exercises to work on the bride's shawl.
started with a low tech hack adapting a piece of a candle so that the linen yarn could pass through it and get waxed. life is easier when machine knitting waxed linen, just passing it through makes a big difference, especially if it's ultra thin.

then came facing the beast.using the ribber is high stress for me. ah! the woes of being self taught.

i presume there's going to be lots of high end linen dish cloths .

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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