
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

good thing i'm going away.

geezzz! i am bouncing off the walls, breathless with all the excitement. 
first in the DUH department, i discovered that my vignette mobile-tablet app has the capability of double exposure(among other cool stuff) and been playing with it.the photos come out dream-like and can be further manipulated with soft focuses or/and color changes.

next comes this other discovery: arduino . or how can you create your own hacks at can hack almost everything electronic, looms, knitting machines ( you see where this is going, don't you?) and the rest of whatevers. 
presently it's way above my head, but i learned japanese didn't i? and i taught myself how to set up web pages with a template and use adobe go live didn't i? and i'm teaching myself video editing and....and...
so with time and patience and a little help from my friends - and hopefully the new made ones on the arduino forums-i'll manage.
 as alice says: the lure of transforming pixels into images.

i'll be taking a short blog break. be back next tuesday.
be well and be good.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Monday, October 14, 2013

a peek in the pot

walnut coming along fine. the wool was simmered for an hour and a half and then left in the pot. i'm taking a short 4 day holiday and methinks i'm going to leave it there for  when i come back.
looking for herringbone drafts because my plan is to weave a herringbone with black weft, very classic.
the concession to modernity is going to be the skirt pattern.this time i'm weaving double width, but still not decided whether to use the 70cms dobby or the 80cm table loom.will think about that during the trip.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


 photo 1c4a4b98-30eb-4661-bd6b-1344d14dbc91_zps70b6c348.jpg

my dyestuff supplier, the farmer, came last week to the organic super with a bag of walnut hulls for me.
hadn't done walnut dyeing since 09 when he brought me a supply. it is slowly cooking on the stove and then when the soup's ready,i will dye some unforeseen yarns. and maybe fabric.

turning a corner. the other day i came across brain pickings . it's more than a blog.   akin to a news digest it publishes thought enriching articles about the arts, literature, music, design and almost anything interesting worth mentioning. great graphics and no animal photos. good way to keep informed and on track of new developments in those fields. worth bookmarking.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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