
Monday, September 23, 2013

the postman loves me-again!

look at these beautiful vintage silk threads i got from blandina. think i'll put them in a glass urn and just look at them, too scared to use them ಠ-ಠ  
turning a page. this weekend and until tuesday is  barcelona's patron saint feast  the virgin of la mercè.
there are many fun and game activities, music and theater all over town. however, one of the highlights for me is the wine sampling festival. less known wine producers take the opportunity to introduce their wines so you can find real gems and expand your repertoire of favorites.
it is also the official closing of  summer ending in a mega fireworks display.
adieu, until next year.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, September 20, 2013

on intellectual curiosity

this is pure philosophy. enjoy.
have a good weekend

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

fine tuning

the color got shifted, as it was too yellow-orange, towards the burgundy to echo the yarn wisps. 
the black form was too dominant and distracting. it got downsized -being tyvek it  meant a hot iron-
and the color got turned down with a gold colored glaze. you can see it glowing in the center and it works well as a  focal point.still contemplating whether to do away with the top and bottom portions of lutradur. comments welcomed!
it's all coming together as a single narrative.

the beading.
beading on a very open knit is akin to having soup with a fork.

quite entertaining!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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