
Friday, August 30, 2013

the humble and beautiful bashofu

bashofu comes from a banana plant (i believe it's abaca) the fabrics made of it are ideal for the tropics.

enjoy the last summer weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

boy, did i punch!

punch card photo card2_zpsdde0b5af.jpg

spent the whole afternoon punching holes. will have to find something to do w. the discards which coincidentally look like baby sequins.
this will be a 2 color maze- like pattern fabric for a skirt.waiting for the weather to cool off a bit more to start working with wool.
after all the high tech stuff i'm learning and trying out, it's enjoyable to engage in such low tech endeavors. reminds me of the future that is expected.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

one thing leads to another and then yet to one more

looking for  vids to post  two fridays ago i found  this  japaophile vid.
on the comments  about how it was done, there was a mention of camera mapping , a way of
turning  still frames into 3d animation by separating objects in a different depth and then mapping ,that is: creating visual relationships among them.
there are breathtaking examples of the technique  done by telenokia, an association that has produced some very beautiful light and sound shows for public spaces.
although my aims are much more modest, i'm contemplating taking a workshop with them in its due time.

the vid in particular  was using using blender,an open source program.
you all know me and know by now how i love geekery, so it should come  as no surprise that  i went there for a download. i have always had an interest in animation and have done some clips,but animated within the fractal or tesselation programs. this was my chance to create animated clips from stills!

but one more time i was blinded by ambition as the program  is waaay above my head. i know very little about film editing; i've just done a couple of  simple clips and some cinemagraph cliplets . as the saying goes, one can't start the house by the roof. therefore i started hunting for info on line and the hunt lead me to creative cow on you tube. what a fantastic resource this is! they offer  a spectrum of vid tutorials for the most popular photo and film edit programs.

 i've started watching diligently their brilliantly explained vids in the  creative cow adobe premier channel.  as  practice i am editing a series of clips that i took in burgos; so far it's all making sense, but let's see where all of this takes me. i think i'm slowly getting closer  to blender with all its promised wonders.

 now,look what the heat does to an idle weaver!

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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